R Programming Fundamentals
Seq Function
- getwd() - returns working directory.
- setwd(“E:\STA4502\RCode”) - set the working directory to “E:\STA4502\RCode.
- cbind(x,y) - combine two vectors of same length (x,y) to make a matrix
- data.frame(x,y) - combine two vectors of different types into a dataframe while preserving the original variables’ datatypes. Dataframes can handle different length vectors.
- M = matrix(1:20, nrow = 4, ncol = 5)
- W = list(Matrix, charVector, intVector) - lists can handle basically all types of parameters.
Ctrl + L
- clears the R console
- this does not remove the variables from memory.
- rm(list=ls()) - this will erase the memory.
Var Types
- character
- numeric (real numbers)
- integer
- complex
- logical (True/False)
Vectors are the most basic R object. An empty vector may be created with vector().
Vectors may only contain objects of the same class.
Lists, while represented as a vector, can break the rule above and contain objects of different classes.
The c() function can be used to create vectors by concatenating things together.
Dataframes, Matrices, and Lists
Data frames are standard data objects and are used to combine several variables of the same length and of potentially differing types into a single unit.
Commenting is done like python, with #.
Install Packages
Call Data
To see the collection of all datasets in a package.
library() function
library() invisibly returns the list of attached packages.
help() function
help() returns a short description of what is included within the data.