Linear Dependence
Linear Dependence indicates that a vector present in the set we are considering may be redundant, in other words we may represent the redundant vector as a linear combination of the other vector(s).
Linear Independence
Linear independence indicates that no vectors in the set we are considering are redundant of the other one. This is to say that one may not be represented as a linear combination of another.
How do we determine LI or LD?
A set of vectors is linearly dependent iff there exists a linear combination including a non-zero constant scalar and able to result in the zero-vector.
From the above postulation we may determine LD & LI by setting the linear combination of the vectors we are considering equal to zero. If this is solvable, it is a Linear Dependent set. Otherwise, it is a Linear Independent set.
A set of vectors is linearly independent if the only solution to the equation is .